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09/16 MaMi #42
09/17 ExCoKo #183
09/18 MaMi #43
09/19 ExCoKo #184
09/20 MaMi #44
09/21 Romy #22
09/22 Romy #23
09/23 ExCoKo #185
09/24 ExCoKo #186
09/25 ExCoKo #187
09/26 ExCoKo #188
09/27 ExCoKo #189
09/28 Romy #24
09/29 Romy #25
09/30 ExCoKo #190
10/01 ExCoKo #191
10/02 ExCoKo #192
10/03 ExCoKo #193
10/04 ExCoKo #194
10/05 Romy #26
10/06 Manga #9
Thursday, September 26, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #188 "Punishment"
(Story Arc: Konstantin and Anya)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Ouch... But Onii-chan deserved it.

I'm two days behind schedule. I'll try to catch up during this weekend. I'm so glad I have weekends to catch up. There is no way I can draw everyday...

  • Hidoi desu. - You are so cruel.
  • Watashito iumonoga arinagara... - (How could you betray) when you have me?
  • Baka~ - stupid.