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Comic Strips
02/24 ExCoKo #256
02/25 Parody #12
02/26 ExCoKo #257
02/27 MaMi #72
02/28 ExCoKo #258
03/01 Romy #64
03/02 Romy #65
03/03 Akira #4
03/04 Akira #5
03/05 Akira #6
03/06 Akira #7
03/07 Akira #8
03/08 Romy #73
03/09 Romy #74
03/10 ExCoKo #259
03/11 Parody #13
03/12 ExCoKo #260
03/13 MaMi #73
03/14 ExCoKo #261
03/15 Romy #69
03/16 Romy #70
Thursday, March 6, 2003
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Akira Illustration #7 "Tsunami Simple Color"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Very simple design and just only 5 colors. I wasn't lazy, this is one of the drawing style. Actually I was tired and didn't want to do anything... Sigh.