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11/11 ExCoKo #359
11/12 ExCoKo #360
11/13 ExCoKo #361
11/14 ExCoKo #362
11/16 Romy #100
11/17 ExCoKo #363
11/18 ExCoKo #364
11/19 ExCoKo #365
11/20 ExCoKo #366
11/21 ExCoKo #367
11/23 Romy #92
11/24 ExCoKo #368
11/25 ExCoKo #369
11/26 ExCoKo #370
11/27 ExCoKo #371
11/28 ExCoKo #372
11/30 Romy #93
12/01 ExCoKo #373
12/02 ExCoKo #374
12/03 ExCoKo #375
12/04 ExCoKo #376
Sunday, November 23, 2003
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Romy Weekend Illustration #92 "Illustration #92"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Romy

I'd like to congratulate Akira for having over 8000 visits last week! Omedeto-!

Well, it's probably due to the fact that Kotone arc is now at the height of climax, but without having the skill to build up the character development episode by episode, there won't be as much anticipation as this. So good work, my bro. Keep working! ;-)

About today's simple doodle. One of the trends nowadays in both anime and manga is to have at least one to perhaps three ?antennas" sticking out from a character's hair. Well, it's part of the hair, of course, it doesn't (necessarily) mean that the character is an alien or anything. I don't know who started it, but those antennas!

Have a nice Thanksgiving, everyone!