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Comic Strips
11/14 ExCoKo #362
11/16 Romy #100
11/17 ExCoKo #363
11/18 ExCoKo #364
11/19 ExCoKo #365
11/20 ExCoKo #366
11/21 ExCoKo #367
11/23 Romy #92
11/24 ExCoKo #368
11/25 ExCoKo #369
11/26 ExCoKo #370
11/27 ExCoKo #371
11/28 ExCoKo #372
11/30 Romy #93
12/01 ExCoKo #373
12/02 ExCoKo #374
12/03 ExCoKo #375
12/04 ExCoKo #376
12/05 ExCoKo #377
12/07 Romy #94
12/08 ExCoKo #378
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
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Experimental Comic Kotone #370 "Thanksgiving Break 27"
(Story Arc: Thanksgiving Break)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I'm still tired... I want to sleep... I always wish I work ahead of time, but that never happens. If there is a week worth of comic strips stocked, then my life will be so much easier. I usually get exhausted in the middle of weekdays (around Wednesday), but if there is a stock, I can take a break without any schedule delay ;_;... Hauuu~~

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.