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Comic Strips
11/27 ExCoKo #371
11/28 ExCoKo #372
11/30 Romy #93
12/01 ExCoKo #373
12/02 ExCoKo #374
12/03 ExCoKo #375
12/04 ExCoKo #376
12/05 ExCoKo #377
12/07 Romy #94
12/08 ExCoKo #378
12/09 ExCoKo #379
12/10 Akira #18
12/11 Akira #19
12/12 Akira #20
12/14 Romy #101
12/15 Akira #21
12/16 ExCoKo #380
12/17 Akira #22
12/18 Akira #23
12/19 Akira #24
12/21 Romy #103
Tuesday, December 9, 2003
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Experimental Comic Kotone #379 "Into a Wall"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Since I don't draw backgrounds.., I fear readers can't tell where this is happening at... It's a scene at anime club, and it seems like there is a big Shion fan club too. I will add more backgrounds to this page when I ink next time...

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.