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Comic Strips
03/08 Program #23
03/09 Program #24
03/10 Program #25
03/11 Program #26
03/14 Akira #35
03/15 Program #27
03/16 Program #28
03/17 Akira #36
03/18 Program #29
03/28 Akira #37
08/01 Akira #38
08/08 Akira #39
08/15 Parody #20
08/22 Parody #21
08/29 Parody #22
09/05 Parody #23
09/12 Parody #24
09/19 Parody #25
09/26 Parody #26
10/03 Parody #27
10/05 ExCoKo #417
Monday, August 1, 2005
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Akira Illustration #38 "Start of August"

Comic Strip

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"Nothing much ^ ^;" by Akira

Since today is the start of August (and it's Monday too), I wanted to update this site with a rough drawing ^^; Nothing much have progressed since the last update (four months ago?). I'm still busy with my job and I haven't worked on the Java program that much. But anyway, I'll try to update something from now on... I'll try...