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06/07 ExCoKo #468
06/09 ExCoKo #469
06/11 Akira #58
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06/26 ExCoKo #473
06/28 ExCoKo #474
06/30 Parody #40
07/10 Akira #59
07/12 ExCoKo #475
07/17 ExCoKo #476
07/24 ExCoKo #477
07/31 ExCoKo #478
08/07 ExCoKo #479
08/09 ExCoKo #480
08/11 Akira #60
08/14 Akira #61
08/16 ExCoKo #481
08/18 ExCoKo #482
08/21 ExCoKo #483
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
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Experimental Comic Kotone #475 "Laika 40"
(Story Arc: Laika story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Laika 40" by Akira

Hmm... A flashback time ^_^; I hope it doesn't take too much page...

I kind of enjoyed drawing little Laika and Fuuka. They are cute.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Thursday, July 13, 2006
"PHP and First look at some Summer anime" by Totaku

Well I was hoping I would have enough time to completely see the rest of Haruhi so I could give my final verdict on it this week, but I'm going to have to push it back for a nother week. ^^;

But luckly, I did have a chance to do a few things so I could give you all something to talk about.

First of all, I have been attending my second Summer class which is known as Advanced Web Deisgn. In this class I have been learning how to do PHP and MySQL (along with a small bit of javascript thrown in) Basiclly to my view PHP and MySQL are component that are used to create databases for your website, ect. And with these databases you create you can do many things with them such as create, edit, add, and delete information. As of right now, I have learned how to create several unique fuctions for a "phone book" we have been working on. We've so far learned how ti out our data from Navicat (a program for creating databases) and place them into our webpage, and we learned how to create buttons and forms to allow us to add, edit, and delete information. It's like I'm learning how the skeleton of a web forum works. ^_^ So I might be able to do some really fancy stuff by classes end.

Second as for Summer anime, I had a chance to check out two animes so far and I'll go ahead and give my first impression on them.

Power Puff Girl Z- This anime I had high hopes for..very high hopes...becuase I thought it would be cool to see an anime counter part of an american cartoon series I'm familar with. But maybe I shot my hopes up too high. ^^; Personally after seeing the first few episodes of PPGZ I sorta begin to wander if it'll turn out any good. But lemme give you the bright side on it. It's quirky, silly, and it's nice to see some of the new reditions of the old PPG charaters (I still wish they would get rid of that dog though....) I do like some of the additional charaters (Such as Ken), and I do like some of the music on the show (like Bubble's henshin theme.) and I do like the cute chatater design....but I wonder if it'll go beyond that.. I still need more time to see if this show will be worth it's time...(Heck it'll come out to the US someday...)

Coyote Ragtime Show- Now this show rocks! While I'm aware nothing is going to beat Haruhi for a long time out there I do have to say that if there was a show worth watching out there it would be Coyote Ragtime. It's sorta a high paced action/Si-fi type anime like Cowboy Bebop but far more interesting. The anime centers around a few varaities of charaters each with thier important role in the story. Their's the detective team which consist of Angelica and Chelsea who are traveling around looking for a criminal known only as "Mister" who has been known in the past for being one of them most natorious bandits in the land. The second group of people are the bandits themselves, "Mister", Bishop, and Katana. They are the bandits who wever resposible for the past situations for which is why Angelica is after to catch them. Mister has an interesting past which is still shadowed as of this point but he seems to have a picture of a girl with him (which could be his daugter???) And finally there's the third group, Marcino and the 12 Marcino Sisters....probably to my view some of the coolest villains I've seen in a while. Marcion Sisters are made of 12 Victorian dressed androids armed to the teeth with various weapons and all of them are named after the months of the year (from January to December) Not much is known about Marcino except that she wants to have a "talk" with Mister and she basiclly is deploing her vicious android troops after him. So far, it has nice art, nice musical scores, and the action keeps me on my seat. (only seen episode 1) It'll probably be worth looking into since it's such a nicely done piece. ^^

That about sums up my rant for now...Till next time.
Ja Matta. ^_^