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06/12 ExCoKo #470
06/14 ExCoKo #471
06/16 ExCoKo #472
06/26 ExCoKo #473
06/28 ExCoKo #474
06/30 Parody #40
07/10 Akira #59
07/12 ExCoKo #475
07/17 ExCoKo #476
07/24 ExCoKo #477
07/31 ExCoKo #478
08/07 ExCoKo #479
08/09 ExCoKo #480
08/11 Akira #60
08/14 Akira #61
08/16 ExCoKo #481
08/18 ExCoKo #482
08/21 ExCoKo #483
08/23 ExCoKo #484
08/28 ExCoKo #485
09/25 ExCoKo #486
Monday, July 31, 2006
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Experimental Comic Kotone #478 "Laika 43"
(Story Arc: Laika story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Laika 43" by Akira

I had a difficult time with a dialog. Laika speaks to herself a lot, doesn't she? Most people usually don't speak out their thoughts out loud like this (well..., I don't). But in comics/manga, they often do. And somehow someone "accidentally" eavesdropping on a character's dramatic monologue and a story gets complicated/rolling -_-; Well... In this case, that doesn't happen, but still I find it strange. Although, I use it quite often in my manga ^_^;

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Tuesday, August 1, 2006
"Random" by Konstantin

Wow, time sure flies. Hard to believe it's been exactly a year already since I've gone to Japan. Still haven't read through half the manga I bought there, and I think I was a wee bit optimistic when I went on my eroge shopping spree. Hopefully there'll be more sightseeing and less Akiba raiding on the next trip.

And, of course, it's just about time for Otakon again. It's been a yearly ritual for me since Otakon '97 (where I slept in my car to save money for the Dealers' Room), and has become a bit of a CMU reunion, since a lot of former CMU CS and Vermillion folks tend to show up at the con on a yearly basis as well. Going to take my first stab at cosplay this year (though with the Laziest Costume Evar<tm>) at the 4chan panel. Also still going zOMG SQUEE over the fact that they managed to get Yoshiki over to the States. The man is a living god, and I will get his autograph, or die trying.

In other news, looks like there may be more Nanoha goodness in the works. Considering that the first season was great and the second was AWESOME, I've got pretty high expectations for whatever they're going to do next.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006
"Announcements" by Akira

There are couple of announcements relating to webcomics:
  • I was really busy with my full-time job for month, but it's finally cooling down (a bit). At least I can return home before 11-12 pm, that's good isn't it? I hope I can work more than one strip per week from today on. I will start working on Wednesday's comic strip when I get home, so stay tuned.

  • It's been two years, but finally Geejay's webcomic "Lovarian Adventure" is back in action again. I'm really happy with the return of a webcomic friend.

  • I'll be participating in "Hamthology (pOnju Print Anthology)". This will be my first time my comics will be on print, so I'm really really excited. Although I need to come up with an interesting story within few days -_-;

Thursday, August 3, 2006
"The Funny nonsence from 4chan on Fate/Stay Night" by Totaku

Well, since Akira already announced about the antholgy, I guess I can skip that part of the rant.

But I guess I can talk about some silly stuff I've found on the net that I feel you all might enjoy. ^^

Basiclly both of todays subject matter comes from the 4chan realm and to top it off they're both on Fate/Stay Night. XD If you've seen the anime or played the visual novel then you might enjoy this, but if you haven't...well maybe you still might. ^^;

The first some time ago a comic artist named Volex has been posting up comics he's created based off of the anime of Fate/Stay Night. To basiclly sum it up, the stroy takes place in various episodes form the series but he decide to modifiy with alot of crazy jokes, both 4chan and Video game related. :P In a way I find the comics very humerous since it so full of parodies so I say it's worth looking at. Fate/Stay Night parody comic+16 If you haven't seen the Fate series....then these might be spoilers for you....but then again, it's also quite humerous so I leave it to you to figure out if you want to see it or not. :P

The other Fate joke from 4chan has to be a real odd one. It's both funny and somewhat sad at the same time. Some college student had a paper he was trying to do but because he was unable to get to it (due to is utter laziness) he decide to take his own measure to make an essay.....thus creating "Ultimate Eassy Works" ....and yes, the teacher was not totally impressed with it, and yes he did fail the class...but I have no idea if this stories even true....I just know that I found the statement for the Eassy very funny. XD Ultimate Essay Works All I have to say to this guy is the follwoing...See you in Fall Semester Mike. :P

But yeah...that's about it...not much, I've been tied up with database construction and hard work...till next time....
Ja Matta