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Comic Strips
01/01 Akira #55
01/04 Akira #56
02/10 Akira #57
06/11 Akira #58
07/10 Akira #59
08/11 Akira #60
08/14 Akira #61
10/30 Akira #62
11/01 Akira #63
11/03 Akira #64
03/05 Akira #65
07/03 Akira #66
07/04 Akira #67
07/05 Akira #68
07/06 Akira #69
09/03 Akira #70
09/04 Akira #71
09/05 Akira #72
09/06 Akira #73
09/07 Akira #74
09/13 Akira #75
Monday, March 5, 2007
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Akira Illustration #65 "working on the comic strip"

Comic Strip

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"working on the comic strip" by Akira

I'm pushing myself to start working on the comic strips again. I came home around 11pm today, but that means I have like 4~5 hours to do drawing. I might be little late for pOnju anthology, but I'll do my best to catch up a bit -_-;

Above is a proof that I'm working again. Sorry for all the delays.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
"Danbooru R.I.P." by Konstantin

A moment of silence, if you will, for the late great Danbooru. The source of many a convenient reference image, desktop background, and just plain old fap material. Good night, sweet prince, R.I.P.

Luckily, the site's author released the source code to the public under the MIT license, so while Danbooru may be dead, its work lives on. Let a hundred clone sites blossom and a hundred sources of H contend!