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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
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Love Situations #30 "Osananajimi 18"
(Story Arc: Osananajimi)

Comic Strip

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"Osananajimi 18" by Akira

  • About Today's Comic - I'm getting back the (drawing) touch again. I think I drew Mai-chan cuter than ever (especially 4th panel). I was finally able to grasp Mai's hair style in this strip too. This means...., I need to change her hair in yersterday's strip -_-; Today's comic strip was totally intended to add cuteness ingredient to Mai's personality.

  • Pachira Figure - a nice figure from "Renkin Sankyuu Magical Pokaan". I would like to get hold of this, if I see one. If I remember correctly, I know Konstantin is a big fan of Pachira (or series itself, "Magical Pokaan"). I might advice him to get one while he is in Japan. By the way, please don't go to the next page, if you think you are a gentleman or under 18... -_-;

  • Idol Master - "Here we Doon" arranged version. Her costume changes like T-1000 from Terminator 2. I'm not a fan of Idol Master (I've never played it), but this game is very popular among Japanese otaku. They make a lot of original videos of their favorite idols and this is one of them.

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