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08/30 ExCoKo #520
08/31 ExCoKo #521
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09/07 ExCoKo #526
09/08 ExCoKo #527
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09/13 ExCoKo #530
09/14 ExCoKo #531
09/15 ExCoKo #532
09/16 ExCoKo #533
09/17 ExCoKo #534
09/20 ExCoKo #535
09/21 ExCoKo #536
09/22 ExCoKo #537
09/23 ExCoKo #538
09/24 ExCoKo #539
09/27 ExCoKo #540
Monday, September 13, 2010
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Experimental Comic Kotone #530 "Indecisive men"
(Story Arc: Drawing Manga)

Comic Strip

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"Nine characters" by Akira

Overall I think I drew this page quite well. Total of nine characters appeared in the page. But the page is composed only with close ups of characters.

I think I've done a similar joke more than seven years ago... Seven years ago... Sigh... I never though three love-triangles emerge like this. Personally I think three love triangles is better than all the girls attracted to one person (Onii-chan).

Haruna is saying:

  • I think so too.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

"Looking into Touhou with detail - The Hakurei Shrine" by Totaku

Today I'm going to turn focus on a location in Gensokyo. For right now we're going to cover three spots in over the next 3 days. They'll likely explain all about the some regions in Gensoyko that any player who plays the game or seen the games should be familiar with....

Today we will turn our focus on the most known area in Gensokyo... a little shrine that sits among the border....

The Hakurei Shrine

Around the very edge of the border of Gensokyo rest the gate way which ties Gensokyo to the outside world and it's also where the most famous shrine maiden in all of Gensokyo lives....

This little place is shrine which can be seen from all different areas from Gensokyo as well as the anyone who comes to the shrine can see the world from there!

This place is known as the Hakurei Shrine.

The Hakurei Shrine is the home of the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei, and pretty much mentioned through out most Touhou games and is one of the main focused areas. Pretty much this is Reimu's home and her shrine as she spend her time keeping it tidy in it's free time. Course even though she has a shrine all set up with a donation box.... she sadly rearly gets any donations what soever.....

The reason for why people don't come could range on various levels, but alll cases it's agreed that one of the core reasons people stay clear from Reimu's shrine is that youkai and other creature tend to come to the shrine on a regular basis. (This is especially true as we get deeper into the games!)

It's also said that the Hakurei Shrine is also a strange shrine because seems to not have a god for anyone to worship either(Not even Reimu knows!). Regardless of wether or not their is a god that lives within the shrine, it is still known for being the place where our shrine maiden lives and makes a living.

The Hakurei Shrine itself is actually split into two sections: The Hakurei Shrine that lives in Gensokyo, and the abandoned shrine that resides outside of Gensokyo.

We already covered what is known within Gensokyo. But as for the shrine outside of Gensokyo, it's only known that it's covered in moss and is pretty much abandonded... it's mearly left over from after the establishment of the Hakurei border that surrounds Gensokyo...

The shrine itself also serves as the gateway that leads outside of Gensokyo into the outside world. But as it has been explained many time... to get "inside" of Gensokyo, one would have to have a special reason or way to enter, cause it's completely hidden from the outside world.... and to get out one would have to agree, to abandon Gensokyo all together cause one you leave, you'll most likely not return...

Whatever the reason, regardless of what one decides it's also important to know, that most people who do enter Gensokyo most will either come here or the human village where they will learn about "The spell card rules" As they are the core establishment that keeps Gensokyo in balance....

This is probably the Hakurei Shrine in a nutshell for you....

Next time, we'll cover the Misty Lake!

Till next time!