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07/03 ExCoKo #161
07/04 ExCoKo #162
Thursday, June 20, 2002
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Magical Mina #10 "Magical Girl 10"
(Story Arc: Magical Girl)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Geez.. That sword magic can be very dangerous weapon. It will be interesting if Mina can "cook/cut" chemicals using the sword. Since she can cut chemical bonds with the sword, she can specifically create new chemicals from old chemicals. Mina is a type of girl who likes to do that kind of scientific experiments too.

Since the sword is made from plant, it is very very light. Vines automatically sticksto or separate from her arms. As Mina did in today's comic strip, it is possible for Mina to switch hand. If sword falls off from her hand, sword looses its magical power to split atoms. But sword itself (no magic) is still a pretty damn good sword.

Mina doesn't actually have to swing the sword to cut through materials. Since atoms/chemicals are splitted by magic, she doesn't need mechanical force at all. This sword magic alone, Mina can conquer the world.