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Wednesday, August 14, 2002
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Magical Mina #34 "Wind 13"
(Story Arc: Wind)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I'm so happy that this chapter is getting to the end. I had enough action scenes for a while. I'm really looking forward returning to "Experimental Comic Kotone". Hmmm... Maybe this is the best chance to finish of Mina completely, so that I don't have to go through this pain again. Hahaha...

All magical creatures know about basic abilities of other magics. It's not surprising if WIND knew "SWORD can be extended". Also, since magics share a same computer network, they are informed about Mina's abilities through previous battles. I'm sure Mina's battle against Wind is informed to other creatures too. This is not good, since they know all about her, but Mina doesn't. Even if Mina gets new magics, it will not help Mina that much. Battle only intensifies. Too bad for Mina.