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Monday, January 28, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #73 "13 Years Old"
(Story Arc: Anya's Sister)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

What is Anya doing in the second panel? She's using a fan to cool down her tea. Cats can't eat/drink hot soup so... cat girls can't either. I don't know about foxs. I assume they are ok... "Pata pata" is a sound effect often used when some light paper-like object (in this case a fan) is moving. It's also use when someone is walking/running with his/her slippers on (expresses cuteness). "Bata bata" in contrast is use when something heavy is moving. For example: when residents upstair are running around in an apartment. Hmmm... if I think about it, "Dota bata" fits well in this apartment case... Anyway, some random note about Japanese sound effects.

Poor Konstantin.... But... don't worry. All wounds caused in a joke mode will fade away within three panels or so... He will be fine in the next comic strip.

So Lisa is 13? Let me list all characters' ages in this comic. I might change the settings later depending on story plot or people's comments.

  • Tsunami (1) current version is 1 year old
  • Kotone (12) - claims to be 18.
  • Lisa (13) - finsihed high school already.
  • Anya (16) - dropped out from high school. Now known as Mousecaptor Anya?
  • Onii-chan (17) - Freshmen at Carnegie Mellon University - did intern for Professor Hasegawa during high school year.
  • Haruna (18) - graduated from Japanese high school at Nara - now an exchange student?
  • Laika (20) - Junior at CMU - transfered from Kyoto University in Freshmen year.
  • Comic Konstantin (21) - Sophomore at CMU - took two years off after high school.
  • Professor Hasegawa (27) - has been the lunatic and otakutic Professor at CMU for 4 years.