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10/21 ExCoKo #195
10/22 ExCoKo #196
10/23 ExCoKo #197
10/24 ExCoKo #198
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10/26 Romy #29
10/27 Romy #30
10/28 ExCoKo #200
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10/30 ExCoKo #202
10/31 ExCoKo #203
11/01 ExCoKo #204
11/02 Romy #31
11/03 Romy #32
11/04 ExCoKo #205
11/05 ExCoKo #206
11/06 ExCoKo #207
11/07 ExCoKo #208
11/08 ExCoKo #209
11/09 Romy #33
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #202 "Haruna-san 8"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Thanks Terra, AlbatrossMinh, DIsk for grammer check :). Here are English translations:

  • Haruna: Hai?
  • Kotone: Haruna-san.
  • Kotone: Nande Tokidoki Shashinga Naino?
    Why are some pictures missing?
  • Haruna: Shashinutsuriga waruinoha hazushitano...
    I took out the pictures which didn't turn out great...
  • Kotone: Fu~n
    I see.
  • Haruna: Amari Karadano Choushiga Yokunakattano
    I was unwell at the moment...
I hope this clarify why some pictures were missing :)