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10/25 ExCoKo #199
10/26 Romy #29
10/27 Romy #30
10/28 ExCoKo #200
10/29 ExCoKo #201
10/30 ExCoKo #202
10/31 ExCoKo #203
11/01 ExCoKo #204
11/02 Romy #31
11/03 Romy #32
11/04 ExCoKo #205
11/05 ExCoKo #206
11/06 ExCoKo #207
11/07 ExCoKo #208
11/08 ExCoKo #209
11/09 Romy #33
11/10 Romy #34
11/11 ExCoKo #210
11/12 ExCoKo #211
11/13 ExCoKo #212
11/14 ExCoKo #213
Monday, November 4, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #205 "Haruna-san 11"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Here is a translation:

  • ohayougozaimasu
    Good morning
  • Okagesamade...
    Thanks to you
I wonder how Onii-chan got out from Haruna's cute "sleep in arm attack" without waking her up? Hmmm... I thought Haruna's parents live in US, but since they are talking about jet-lag, I guess they visited Haruna from Japan? Hmmm... How come they are showing "That 70's Show" early in the morning? They usually show them at night... Hmm... TV's a located at living room and Onii-chan and Haruna spent night there, how come Onii-chan didn't see them coming? Hmm.... How come there is a big TV in Onii-chan's house? I thought Onii-chan was poor and had a 10 inch TV...? So many plotholes.