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11/04 ExCoKo #205
11/05 ExCoKo #206
11/06 ExCoKo #207
11/07 ExCoKo #208
11/08 ExCoKo #209
11/09 Romy #33
11/10 Romy #34
11/11 ExCoKo #210
11/12 ExCoKo #211
11/13 ExCoKo #212
11/14 ExCoKo #213
11/15 ExCoKo #214
11/16 Romy #35
11/17 Romy #36
11/18 ExCoKo #215
11/19 ExCoKo #216
11/20 ExCoKo #217
11/21 ExCoKo #218
11/22 ExCoKo #219
11/23 Romy #37
11/24 Romy #38
Thursday, November 14, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #213 "Haruna-san 10"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

In the fourth panel, Haruna's not in the room listening to their conversation. It's a imagination... I wanted to make that image more dreamy like... but didn't know how to do that... Ah well, I don't think I had time either...