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10/29 ExCoKo #201
10/30 ExCoKo #202
10/31 ExCoKo #203
11/01 ExCoKo #204
11/02 Romy #31
11/03 Romy #32
11/04 ExCoKo #205
11/05 ExCoKo #206
11/06 ExCoKo #207
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11/08 ExCoKo #209
11/09 Romy #33
11/10 Romy #34
11/11 ExCoKo #210
11/12 ExCoKo #211
11/13 ExCoKo #212
11/14 ExCoKo #213
11/15 ExCoKo #214
11/16 Romy #35
11/17 Romy #36
11/18 ExCoKo #215
Friday, November 8, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #209 "Haruna-san 15"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Konstantin is a bishounen too. He's usually in hentai mode, so you don't get to see his bishounen side that often. Konstantin and Junichi look alike... They just have different hair color and different hair style...

Junichi is pronounced "Jun - ichi" not "Ju - ni - chi". His full name is "Kawashima Junichi(????????)". Most well educated people in Japan can speak English. Haruna is exception since she was raised in very traditional Japanese house.