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Comic Strips
12/07 Romy #41
12/08 Romy #42
12/09 ExCoKo #230
12/10 ExCoKo #231
12/11 ExCoKo #232
12/12 ExCoKo #233
12/13 ExCoKo #234
12/14 Romy #43
12/15 Romy #44
12/16 ExCoKo #235
12/17 ExCoKo #236
12/18 ExCoKo #237
12/19 ExCoKo #238
12/20 ExCoKo #239
12/21 Romy #45
12/22 Romy #46
12/23 ExCoKo #240
12/24 ExCoKo #241
12/25 ExCoKo #242
12/26 ExCoKo #243
12/27 ExCoKo #244
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #236 "Haruna-san 42"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I started drawing this page 7 pm yesterday and finally finished 3:30 am this morning... There was a couple of breaks (like dinner, snack breaks), but it took me much longer than I expected... Choosing a right word was the most difficult... Anyway, I can finally go a sleep.... Good night... I'm glad I can at least sleep for four hours... Zzz...