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12/15 Romy #44
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12/19 ExCoKo #238
12/20 ExCoKo #239
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
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Experimental Comic Kotone #231 "Haruna-san 37"
(Story Arc: Haruna story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

This might be the first comic strip where only one character appeared... First panel is an experiment. It's rather difficult to draw a character from top down view..., but it gives an interesting touch.

"You love him, don't you...?" Why do I love to complicate things more than necessary at the worst time...? I was originally planned to do this scene in one page, but decided to split into two since their conversation became longer than I expected.

I will try to draw three more comic strips over this weekend. I want to finish Haruna story arc within this year...