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06/20 MaMi #93
Friday, June 6, 2003
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Magical Mina #83 "Fire 5"
(Story Arc: Fire)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Sorry, but this Mina chapter is not over yet ^^; I'm surprised that I was able to survive this weekdays. Now I need to start working on next five pages, or otherwise I will die from too much work during weekdays. I'm so glad I began working on comic strips last weekend.

Here is a typical schedule of this week:

  • 08:00 ~ 08:30 wake up + breakfast
  • 08:30 ~ 09:30 commute (train + walking)
  • 09:30 ~ 17:30 work
  • 17:30 ~ 18:30 commute (train + walking)
  • 18:30 ~ 20:00 shower, dinner, and e-mail
  • 20:00 ~ 02:00 comic strip
  • 02:00 ~ 08:00 sleep (6 hours)

Some people tell me they can survive with less than 6 hours of sleep per day (like 3-4 hours). I did that for a couple of months (like 4-5 hours even for weekends -> was very busy with work and comic), but my health deteriorated quite seriously. From then on, I tried to schedule my time (life) little bit more carefully. Time management is very important in continuing doing webcomic. If you don't..., you might loose your life ^^;

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum

  • Pencil: 3 hours
  • Ink: 2 hour
  • CG: 1.5 hour
  • Text: 0.5 hour
  • Total: 7.0 hours