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Comic Strips
10/03 ExCoKo #340
10/05 Romy #88
10/06 ExCoKo #341
10/07 Parody #19
10/08 ExCoKo #342
10/09 MaMi #96
10/10 MaMi #97
10/11 Akira #2
10/12 Romy #95
10/13 MaMi #98
10/14 MaMi #99
10/15 MaMi #100
10/16 MaMi #101
10/17 MaMi #102
10/19 Romy #96
10/20 ExCoKo #343
10/21 ExCoKo #344
10/22 ExCoKo #345
10/23 ExCoKo #346
10/24 ExCoKo #347
10/26 Romy #97
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
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Magical Mina #99 "Arc's Magic Experiment 1"

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

I'm not good at drawing backgrounds, so today's strip was a good chance to practice drawing perspectives. I think I did soso with my attempt.

Please write your comment or suggestion to this comic strip at pOnju forum.