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Thursday, May 10, 2007
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Love Situations #41 "Osananajimi 29"
(Story Arc: Osananajimi)

Comic Strip

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"Osananajimi 29" by Akira

  • The End - This is the last page of "Osananajimi" story arc. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm quite amazed that I have to spend 29 pages to tell a simple story of Kenji and Mai. A story manga does require a lot of pages compared to a comedy strip. No wonder Laika's story arc is taking forever to finish. At this rate, I'm not sure if I can finish Laika's story in 150 pages... Sigh...

  • Omake - I'll start uploading omake strips from tomorrow. I love one page strips since I don't need to think too much of story compositions and character developments. In story manga, timing of introducing new facts/events are extremely important, since if they're executed poorly, the whole story will totally be ruined. Although one page strips are difficult too, since some sort of joke or punch line are required every page. I think alternating between story manga and joke strip is the best.

  • Maison Ikkoku OP 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th (YouTube) - I grew up with Maison Ikkoku and these OPs are "Yesterday Once More" for me. I like all of them, but if I need to rank them, I thik I'll pick: #2 (I love the song so much!) > #1 > #4 > #5 > #3.

  • Code Geass Comic Strips (Code Geass) - At the official site, they began adding comic strip to each episode page. Now, comics are upto Stage 13. It's Japanese only, but I'm sure there will be fan translating these comics in English. Jokes are not too funny though ^_^;....

  • Baby Bunny Grooming (YouTube) - It's sooooo cuuuteee.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

"Getting back into the swing of things" by Totaku

It has been a long time since I've been since I've done any down to earth rants here at the Tsunami Channel. I've been gone for a while due to the intensity of my Senior Year and trying work hard on making a succesful Senior Show.

And now that this has blown over and I have graduated, I can now get back into the normal grove I once have while I search for a job position to work for around here locally (while I have my freelance jobs on the side.)

I guess to begin, I could talk go on and talk about Touhou once again, since some interesting material has come up. As of recently, it's become clear that the ceator known as "ZUN" has finally gotten around to to announcing the next game in the series ad unvailed the title known as "Mountain of Faith". Pretty much like some of the other stories, it'll act as a stand alone story. From what i got about this part of the series, it explains that problems are occuring at the Hakurei Shrine that seems to be hurting the usual business Reimu get (which isn't technically much to begin with) and now Reimu must head up to a mountain to find out the cause of the problem while battling gods. And of Marisa will be coming in her own as well since since she loves poking her nose in into everything. Other that that, it's sorta hazy what is to be expected of this chapter. Zun plans to release the demo on May 20th. So keep your eyes peeled out for it then (if your into the Shump madness like I am). to read more go here.

Also, while I'm on the subject matter, to point out the English board is also planning to make an English fanmade Touhou game which has ticked my intrest and I'm feeling egear to participate in it. The code name of the game will be called "Dream", and it will center around some side charaters from the series. Other than that, I can't say much, about it till I take a further look into it.

Finally, to as something extra for all you Higurashi fans, since Akira showed that Yugiyo apprody based on that IOSYS song. I decided why not show this Higurashi version It's nearly as messed up as the Yugioh version. And a little bloody as a head up. ^^; TOMITAKI FLASH!

That's it for now,
till next time
Ja Matta. ^^