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Thursday, May 17, 2007
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Love Situations #46 "Osananajimi Omake 5"
(Story Arc: Osananajimi)

Comic Strip

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"Osananajimi Omake 5" by Akira

  • Link deleted by Tsunami - Sorry, I guess it crossed the line. ^_^;

  • Solar Battery (Links International) - A company Links International has introduced an interesting mobile suppliment device called "Solar Fine 1350". It's a palm sized solar battery which can be used for PSP, iPod, cell phone, and Nintendo DS. When this device is fully charged (either by solar, USB memory, or power code), i's possible to run PSP for 6 - 6.5 hours, DS for 7-8 hours, and recharge cell phone twice. It's about 60 dollars and it might be quite useful.

  • Happy Anago (YouTube) - Anago from Sazae-san (imitating the famous voice actor Norio Wakamatsu) singing "Happy Material" from Negima. Norisuke becomes Negi Sensei. It's so horribly wrong. Sazae-san is the most well known and most watched anime in Japan (average TV audience rating of 17% where anime like "Code Geass" was around 2%).

  • Evgeny Plushenko "Sex Bomb" (YouTube) - He's such a wonderful skater. I had quite a laugh when I first saw it.

  • Doki Doki Majo Shinpan (SNK Playmore) - It's a Nintendo DS game where you use a touch pen to touch and gaze at girls. Story is simple. There are witches (candidates) hiding in a school, and you were commanded by god to find them. There is a witch sign somewhere in her body and it shows up when she's turned on excited. So touch her and look for the sign. Nice concept, isn't it? And this is not 18+ either (15+) ^_^;

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"Wawawa Wasuremono" by Totaku

Well I've been busy trying to hunt for a job as usual so there is nothing big I can discuss. But I do have a couple things to share.

Seeing Akira's rant with the Taniguchi video reminded me about the fact that there is a large series of these videos out there. Being a fan of Suzumiya Haruhi, I was pretty surprised to see Taniguchi recived such popularity after the famous scene he makes in episode 10 right after the big fight between Yuki and Asakura. Never would I think he would such attention for that scene. But pretty much as I can see the net sure does love Taniguchi. And because they love him, they made tons of weird variation with his interesting entrance. So let me go ahead and show you some of them.

Taniguchi no Wasuremono- This is pretty much one of the early Taniguchi videos i recall seeing where Taniguchi some how suprisingly enters through the closed space that Asakura creates to trap Kyon.

Taniguchi on Solitary Island- Another early piece where Taniguchi somehow appears on Solitary Island when the gang fix to brake down the locked door.

Taniguchi intervenes closed space- A werid piece when Kyon winds up in closed space with Haruhi and when Kyon gets on the computer he finds someone familar....

Taniguchi appears in Black Lagoon- (Bloody just for a heads up) It's funny how Taniguchi just seems to always pop up in the oddest time....epecially when he comes in during a bloody masaccer caused by the two twins.

Taniguchi singing to the Mikururun theme- This one is just weird all together.

TANI STAR- This is is totally beyond awsome. First off having Taniguchi being used for the Lucky Star OP song and on top of that he pops up in the weirdest of all place. (PS: Look for a censor Tanaguchi for big laughs)

LUCKY STEPS short version- Not exactly Tanguchi related (but I didn't say it didn't have him though), but it's pretty much a Lucky Star video mixed with a funky hip hop Western type song called "Steps 5, 6, 7, 8" plenty of weird stuff happens here, plus the lucky channel segement in the video and well done. ^^

That will cover it for now....till next time.
Ja Matta. ^^