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Thursday, July 12, 2007
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Love Situations #79 "Tsundere 6"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 6" by Akira

  • Higunaku - Higurashi no Nakukoroni in Narutau OP style.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

"Mysterious incident at a Japanese Middle School" by Totaku

Well this totally made my day. I donno if anyone has seen this but, back around on the 7th of July there was an incident that occured where three students broke into a school and went to the school atheletic yard to go and create very unusual symbols on the ground. According to the cameras only two of them particpated with this. However, with what was painted on the ground....it makes you wonder what this means.......

Here's the video for you to see what I mean. It's about 22 minutes long so be paient.

But eitherway...I think a few things should give away what this is...and maybe what it means...anyways enjoy the video. ^^

Till next time
Ja Matta