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Thursday, July 26, 2007
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Love Situations #89 "Tsundere 16"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 16" by Akira

  • Dere - I might have shown too much "dere (lovestruck)" part of Rin's Tsundere. Right propotion of tsun and dere is 9 to 1. Right now, it's like 5:5. She's really obsessed with Takumi, isn't she -_-; I might explain in omake strips why she insists on marrying a rich guy. I guess I enjoy drawing omake strips.

  • Real Transformers - Nice. I think I've seen this robot in TV before.

  • Home-Maid Personal Computer - Wow, I really want one for my PC. I believe mother board is located between her back and hair. A lot of comments are refering to Chobits and a lot of people are asking where is the power switch and where you stick USB memory (original website).

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