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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
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Love Situations #93 "Tsundere 20"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 20" by Akira

  • Behind the Schedule - I guess I'm destined to be always behind the schedule... This means I need to finish two pages this weekend... Sigh... I need to keep up the motivation a bit.

  • Couldn't Go To Laputa - My favorite scene where Pazu first meets Sheeta... I love "Laputa".

  • Subaru Figure - It's a blog of a figure creator. It's a very nice figure of Subaru from Nanoha StrikerS. There is also Vita figure (more details at Liquid Stone HP). These figures are not sold at stores. You have to go to events like "Wonder Festival" to get it.

  • Usatei - Newest IOSYS promotion video.

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