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Tuesday, September 7, 2010
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Experimental Comic Kotone #526 "Haruna Joins"
(Story Arc: Drawing Manga)

Comic Strip

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"Haruna-san's Hair" by Akira

It took total of 3.5 hours to complete this page (1 hr 45 min for rought sketch, 1 hr for inking, 45 min for screen tones + dialog). It's nice to be able to draw Haruna-san's hair again. I first fill her hair with black and then I add white lines. It takes little time, but looks very nice.

Don't ask me how she made a tea set appear and disappear in the third panel. It's a convenient way to show in manga.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

"Looking into Touhou with detail - Remilia Scarlet" by Totaku

With this, I will be nearly done explaining the entire EoSD cast leaving only room for two more (or rather three charaters). From there I will explain a few things about locations that are known during this point in Touhou then I will move on to Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Anyways now we enter into the finalie of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil as we meet the Devil behind the mess itself....

Remilia Scarlet

After the main heroines take out Sakuya among the rooftop they end up confrontingthe one responsible for causing the red mist that spreaded through Gensokyo. It was Remilia Scarlet, the head mistress of the mansion and also a powerful vampire.

Remilia's motives behind the reason she created the Scarlet Mist was because all she really wanted to do was go outside during the day without having to worry about the sun. And so by using the scarlet mist, she blocked out the sun and caused panic through Gensokyo. Which is why the main charaters end up confronting her.

As expected Remilia is a vampire thus you can expect her to have the standard weaknesses of a vampire. But regardless of her typical fashion she light eater. She never seems to suck the life out of her victims enough to actually cause them to become undead slaves. Thus because of this reason, all of Remillia's servants in the mansion are living individual who choose to work under her on their own free will.

Also it's important to note that despite looking no older than a 10 year old apperance wise, Remillia is actually around 500 years old. And she also boast to the daughter of Count Vlad Trepes, the orginal Dracula.

Anyways, the main heriones take on Remilia since she refuses to remove the mist in a danmaku battle as always.... Remilia's spellcard are mostly related to themes surronding the dark arts, vampires, and the color Scarlet. And as expected for the master of the mansion she holds a serious battle launching a massive barrage of red danmaku. But eventually after a long an intense battle Remilia is defeats and thus the Scarlet Mist was removed from Gensokyo.

Following the after math of the tale, Remilia end up paying a visit to Reimu at her shrine during the day time with Sakuya in tow (holding an umbrella) where they end up eating cake and have tea (which happens to be what occurs in most of Reimu's endings anyways)

Following after EoSD, Remilia has been popular enough to at least get mentioned at times, but also appeared as a playable charater within IN where she assist Sakuya along the way.

However, what Remilia is most notable for is being in the fighting games. As she even boasted in EoSD that she much preffered to fight rather than use danmaku. At this point she's appeared in every fighter up to this point.

Later on she would be invovled in Silent Sinner in Blue as one of the major charaters in the plot. As she had her mind set to go to the moon.

Most of Remilia's activities take place within the mansion as she mainly stays there most of the time, but when she wants to, she is often a very demanding person. And acts alot like spoiled child due to her rich style of living. Because of her attitude and personality she is often viewed to be Charismatic.

When she chooses to go out, it'll be when she wants to, and as explain earlier, she may take Sakuya with her to carry her parasol to protect her from the sunlight.

Another things that is important to mention is that Remilia's ability is to manipulate Fate, but to be honest, it's unclear how this ability works. As she can't exactly turn the tides to everything appently....

In the fanon world, Remilia is often view to bespoiled and charismatic as expected, but on a more funny note she can be sometime cute too as at times, fans like to "brake her Charisma at times". But overall, Remilia's relationship with the people in the mansion mainly center around Sakuya, especially since they were paired in a later game. And also with one other charater, which I will keep a secret for now due to being my next charater I plan to discuss....

Overall though, Remilia is often captured not much different from her orginal way ZUN did. But of course looking no younger than 10 year old in apperance, it's now surprise if she acts like a child sometimes in her art.

I thinks this pretty much covers Remilia which means next time, I will be turning my focus too.....The EX level....and the Ex-boss....

The Sister of the Devil...

Till next time