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Wednesday, November 7, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #30 "Cat Tail Extension"
(Story Arc: Kotone's Power)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Hmm..., I would gladly do it. I don't know why Onii-chan is having such a trouble with it. I guess Onii-chan is very honest, kind and ethical person. I really enjoy teasing him. My current goal is to seduce him to the dark (hentai) side. Hahaha.

I hope readers remember the setting that Kotone can use her super power if her electric code (from coccyx) is plugged into a wall. Since Eva has an external batteries, I thought Kotone should have one too. It will be so cute if Kotone attaches a cat tail... but it is the most dangerous mode at the same time... Kotone uses excess battery when she is using her super power. Since this cat tail battery is rechargeable, Kotone can rechage, if she's not doing anything. It is pretty handy, isn't it?