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Friday, November 9, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #32 "A Bed Time"
(Story Arc: Haruna vs Laika)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

What's wrong with Onii-chan? If I were him, I would jump into a bed. To tell you the truth, it was very difficult to come up with this comic strip. The one of the difficult parts was "how to make Haruna enter his bed room before Onii-chan and Kotone." I made it so that Onii-chan asks Kotone to wash dishes with him... But he said "it's a bed time", and then asked Kotone about it...? There is something wrong with this explanation. I put a blank panel between "Could you help me wash dishes" panel and "Good night" panel, but I don't think I expressed a time span (time to wash dishes) well enough... Also they are sleeping around 12:30? What's is wrong with them? Constructing a comic to express story without any flaw is very very difficult. I still need to practice with that...

There is no special meaning to "Bed Time" in Japanese. I assume Haruna acted that way because Professor Hasegawa told her a lie like "If Onii-chan asks 'it's time to sleep', then he's asking you to sleep with him." or something like that. Professor Hasegawa, you are such an evil man! Soon, you will be punished for all these troubles!