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Comic Strips
10/21 ExCoKo #14
10/22 ExCoKo #15
10/23 ExCoKo #16
10/24 ExCoKo #17
10/25 ExCoKo #18
10/26 ExCoKo #19
10/27 ExCoKo #20
10/28 Parody #1
10/29 ExCoKo #21
10/30 ExCoKo #22
10/31 ExCoKo #23
11/01 ExCoKo #24
11/02 ExCoKo #25
11/03 ExCoKo #26
11/04 ExCoKo #27
11/05 ExCoKo #28
11/06 ExCoKo #29
11/07 ExCoKo #30
11/08 ExCoKo #31
11/09 ExCoKo #32
11/12 ExCoKo #33
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
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Experimental Comic Kotone #23 "Laika's Fiance?"
(Story Arc: A Visitor from Japan)

Comic Strip

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"Rants" by Akira

Stripping and kicking out the fiance out of the room joke came from my friend, Nasri. Thanks, Nasri :D I think this comic strip turned out great. One of the insider joke was that this is the reason why the fund for Professor's Giant Robot (EVA) program got suspended and caused the giant robot to become berserk and destroyed Pittsburgh's Three River Stadium. Time table is little bit off, but who cares.