| "Toys gone wrong" by Totaku (2006-12-07) |
First off I'd like to say that I've been very busy over the course of this semester because of my work and project. I did not make a rant last week due to because of the pressure of my project that I was trying to complete. But now that pressure is gone and with only one more test till vacation time I have alot of free time till then. So I thought I'd do a interesting topic today.
In today's subject I thought it would be interesting to jump into the world of bootleg toys/figures. Yes, I'm certain you may have come across some of these in your life maybe. I've seen plenty of them when I go to various market places that sell cards and toys of very cheaply made knock-offs of the originals to make a quick sell.
Personally I wonder why some people buy them sometimes. Is it because they enjoy such weird and odd stuff? Maybe so....but either way, I thought I'd share you some of these strange, creepy, cheap monstrosities they call "toys".
Thie first place we will jump to is this site I've been to called Anime Jump which is sort of a humerous site that makes interest jokes on some of the varous things in the anime world. In on section of the site they view a whole variaty of Bootleg Toys of such shockinly horrible quality it is halarious. XD
Among my faves from this section are the horribly painted pokemon which look like all the charaters from the pokemon series were nuked and melted to the point of unreconiziblity.
And also my personal favorite THE AMAZING FLYING HEADLESS GOKU! This one I can't just help but laugh at the poor thing because of the massive QUALITY that was not just done to the figure bu to the box as well as the instructions. Because it never just funny enough when you have a headless Goku, but when you have a box that has a label that reads "May pre house seamy side volitation" you know you got your self a winner in terms of "WTF is going on here." XD
Now I wonder how many of you are familar with Xenosaga. Most of you probably are with Konstantin's rant, but I thought I wonder how many are familar with this. I found this a few years ago and this use to be the talk of the net back a year or two ago. It was known as MOK-KOS. This toy was sold as a limited edition toy to those that pre purchased Xenosaga II in Japan. But I bet no one ever expected that this KOS-MOS would looks this creepy. Becuase of how evil and ugly it looked it was renamed MOK-KOS and many viewed it as an evil creature and so many humorous pics spreaded acorss the net during it's time frame. But no matter how you look at it, it still looks like it's going to burn a hole into your soul. >_<
Finally, I will end it by sharing you the most recent bootleg monstrosity that has gotten alot of fame lately that it could even rival MOK-KOS. Mainy of you proably know of Fate Stay Night. If you haven't you should probably go and look at it since it's coming to American shores. But either way, if you had you probably know of Saber one of the main charater of the series and the most powerful of the seven servants in the war of the Holy Grail. We all know and love her for her cute and elegant looks, however....evil would surface it's ugly face sooner or later as before long...a bootleg would appear....based on the same figure I posted of Saber!
Behold! The QUALITY bootleg monster known as....SADER! Never in my life have I seen a figure that was so horribly constrcuted in my time. First you can see it's badly done paint job on various areas of her clothes and her hair. But most importantly the eyes and mouth are the most horrifing parts of it as them kae Saber look like she jost got out of a bar drunk, after having hr face rearrange. Also note the badly done hair strand that sitcks out of her hair as it appears extremly flat.
In fact, the owner of this toy felt so sorry for the thing....that he made a sword for it from a plastic paperclip.
If that isn't MUSASHI QUALITY for you, I donno what is....but just to top it off before I go, I now present you....The bootleg Saber worshipping club (Yes, they are prasing the terrible quality of this most manificent toy. XD)
Till next time.
Ya Matta. ^_^