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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
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Experimental Comic Kotone #496 "Laika 61"
(Story Arc: Laika story arc)

Comic Strip

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"Laika 61" by Akira

Dialogs don't flow right... I think the problem is:

  1. I drew the page, but only had a very vague idea about what to talk about.
  2. It's 5 AM in the morning.
  3. Very few information (Laika is leaving) was assigned to this page. I had to fill in rest of the panels with other "unnecessary" information somehow...
  4. I couldn't let Fuuka talk about her feelings too much, since it might mess up the story.
Last panel is blank because I was too tired to draw anything. Couldn't come up with anything to draw... Maybe I should draw Mother crying and Fuuka feeling regret... But maybe I'll leave the last panel as blank...

Anyway, this is the end of the flashback. It took more than I expected, but I think it explained many things. The only regret was I should have made characters in flashback much youger than current time-line...

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Thursday, November 9, 2006
"Marisa Stole my Precious Thing and various other flashes" by Totaku

Oh man, what has come forth on the net lately, it seems to be something that has been sturring alot of attention lately. To explain, I been looking around some of Touhou boards lately and came across something interesting, and ever i postted them on 4chan and iichan, it has spreaded like wildfire to the past few days.

What I am talking about is a flash music video that was created for IOSYS OS, a music company that publishes remixes to videogame, Doujin and other varities soundtracks.

On some occasions, they will hire an arist to do a flash Promo for the songs in thier sound tracks. But I don't think even IOSYS had any idea how thier latest flash would genrate such popularity....

What I'm refffering to is the flash known as Marisa stole my Precious Thing A Touhou flash animation piece done to promote a song of thier 2nd album. The flash and the song is mainly deticated to Alice Magantroid, the Magican Puppeteer from the Touhou series. The song is actualy a remix of her theme song and because of it's hyper sugary type atmosphere and cute lyrics it has become a sortof sensation that's being talked about in several places on the net.

I wonder how far this will go? It's aready hit several places on the net in a few days all because I posted it on 4chan and iichan.

Anyways, if you are more curious of Touhou remixes from IOSYS, why not try the dark themed Border of Death, which is based off of Yukari's theme song. Yukari is known as the youkai who controls the borders in Gensokyo (ad is also the oldest Youkai in the land). This video pretty much shows (a more evil)Yukari with her two Shikigami (Ran and Chen) battlng out with Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya. Both awsome and dark.

And another video called Phantasmagoria Mystical Expectation mainly acts more like an anime opening which mainly features Aya Shameimaru, a Tengu news reporter, along with the most of the major Touhou cast in this nice animation flash.

The orginals to the IOSYS site are found here and here But thanks to the massive traffic this flash has genratated it may be a good while before things are normal again. So until then you will need to visit the Danbooru links.

That's about all for now, Till next time
Ja Matta. ^_^