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Comic Strips
11/13 LovSit #122
11/14 LovSit #123
11/19 LovSit #124
01/01 LovSit #125
01/09 LovSit #126
01/16 LovSit #127
01/27 LovSit #128
01/28 LovSit #129
01/29 LovSit #130
01/30 LovSit #131
02/09 LovSit #132
02/15 LovSit #133
02/20 LovSit #134
02/27 LovSit #135
03/31 LovSit #136
04/08 LovSit #137
07/01 LovSit #138
02/02 LovSit #139
02/12 LovSit #140
02/16 LovSit #141
02/23 LovSit #142
Saturday, February 9, 2008
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Love Situations #132 "Tsundere 59"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 59" by Akira

I'm currently at location where I don't have access to screen tones. I'll add them when I get back to home. I tried to work on the comic on Wednesday, but there were too many things to do... I need to work on the Hamthology too.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links

Monday, February 11, 2008
"pOnju forum's been hacked..." by Akira

It seems like pOnju forum was hacked by some group few hours ago. I couldn't access the forum, since this morning (in Japan time). Although, I don't know why pOnju forum has to be targeted... It's rather sad... Sigh...

Anyway I hope forum will be back to normal soon. Until then, there is no way to communicate with readers. ;_;

It seems like forum is back again. :) Good thing the database wasn't completely wiped out.

Interesting Links

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Forgive me" by Akira

I had a job interview this tuesday. I prepared for the interview and everything went (rather) ok. But I must say I was really burnt out. I didn't feel like doing anything for a couple of days. I know I need to work on LovSit and Anthology, but please forgive me ^_^; I'll try upload something today or tomorrow...

Testing out blog part from PutiMoe ^_^;

Interesting Links
  • Puti Moe - This is the website of moe version of bubblewrap. If you push the bubble, once in a while moe voice comes out... That's it...^_^; You can get ablog part from this website too.