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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
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Love Situations #135 "Tsundere 62"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 62" by Akira

I think I drew this page well. I think I drew inked lines nicely. Again there is no background at all, but I think I placed screen tones to hide that.

Sorry updates are little slow... I only updated one strip per week. I'm focusing on the Hamthology, but it's going slowly too. Next update will be next week. I'll work extremely hard on this weekend.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links
  • figma Saber - Nice (movable) figure.

  • Patchcon - Game play of new Toho doujin game. It looks interesting. I saw the game at doujin store, but couldn't decide if I should buy it or not...

  • Kyou Fujibayashi AMV - I like her the most from Clannad. But Tomoyo is cute too... I can't choose between two...

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Interesting Links

Friday, February 29, 2008
Interesting Links
  • Konata Cosplay version figure - I want to get this one..., but I don't see these figures around at Yokohama.

  • Akibana - A blog about Akihabara in English.

  • Automatic Projector Calibration with Embedded Light Sensors - I got this link from Decagon (Thanks). It's quite an interesting project going on at CMU. I wonder if this can be used for optical camouflage like in "Ghost in the Shell"... Hmm...

  • Katawa Shojo - This is a game play of a renai game made by American staffs. I never heard a Japanese word "Katawa" before, but it means "disabled". All the main heroines have some kind of handicap. I heard of this game before because one Japanese blogs mentioned about the game before.

  • Rurouni Kenshin - Keep Hope Alive - This one is Water's favorite Kenshin AMV (from pOnju forum). Original and higher quality AMV can be found here. Thanks for the information, Water.

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Interesting Links

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Interesting Links
  • Lucky Star Picture Archive 10 - Lucky Star Picture archive continues. part 11.

  • Pikachu 100,000V - Nice scientific experiment.

  • Cute Kitten - Why is kitten so cute?

  • Our Tamura-kun - Music video based on Yuyuko Takemiya's light novel "Watashitachi no Tamura-kun". The novel is incomplete, but I enjoyed reading it. Tamura-kun is honest and adorable/likeable main character eventhough he's loved by two cute girls. I love Yasu's illustration too. Maybe Yuyuko's other work "ToraDora" might be the closest one to be animated. Again the main character is really nice guy eventhough he has scary eyes.