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Thursday, February 26, 2009
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Love Situations #144 "Tsundere 71"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 71" by Akira

Hmm... Drawing three comic strips in one week is not too bad. I hope I can draw one more strip this week. It's getting close to the climax, I need to pick up the pace again. But finally, I was able to move the scene from Hina+Rin. I think I spend too much pages on this scene, like some readers pointed out. One of the reason for the dragging-ness is caused by the density of the page, I think.

For a couple of strips, one page has fewer information (fewer panel, fewer dialog, fewer story development) than pages from the last year. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of efforts to squeez in information (drawing+dialog) into a page. Currently, I'm drawing five-six panels per page with one-two dialog per panel. If I add additional two panels, then drawings become smaller and I have to fiddle with dialogs so it fits into free spaces. And that takes a lot of time!! If I can draw at least thee comic strips per week, five-six panels is nice pace, I think. If I draw one comic strip per week, it gets too slow. So the conclusion is.., I need to draw at least three comic strips per week to have an easier time.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links
  • PaperChild Thread - It's an interesting approach to integrate 2D and 3D.

  • Kamo Star - Moyashimon version of "Lucky Star" OP. Very well made.

Friday, February 27, 2009
Interesting Links