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Wednesday, March 4, 2009
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Love Situations #146 "Tsundere 73"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 73" by Akira

I don't know the interior of a limousine, but I assume there is a closable window between a driver and the back seats. Maybe there is a small desk, a TV set (maybe?), and a shelf with bottle of wines inside a liminousine, but I didn't want to draw. There won't be anymore limousine scene, so I'm done with this problem.

I'm watching/listening to anime while I work on the comic strips. Since I'm drawing quite a lot these days, a stock of TV anime decreased from 200 => 100. I'm enjoying watching "ToraDora", "One Outs" (and maybe "White Album"?) this season. Adaptation of "ToraDora" from a novel series to anime series is extremely well done. It skipped some of the interesting scenes (like Minori suffers in agony after realising what's she have done to Ryuji by wearing that hairpin) in the ski episode, but I think it's OK. It's more focused between Ryuuji and Taiga. I'm definitely going to buy the last volume 10 of the novel which'll be out of March 10th. I can't wait.

Oh, I fixed "s" problem in the first panel.

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