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01/30 LovSit #131
02/09 LovSit #132
02/15 LovSit #133
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02/27 LovSit #135
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04/08 LovSit #137
07/01 LovSit #138
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02/16 LovSit #141
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02/24 LovSit #143
02/26 LovSit #144
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03/04 LovSit #146
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03/10 LovSit #149
03/16 LovSit #150
03/17 LovSit #151
Monday, February 16, 2009
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Love Situations #141 "Tsundere 68"
(Story Arc: Tsundere)

Comic Strip

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"Tsundere 68" by Akira

I'll try to draw three comic strips this week. Wish me luck.

Please write your comment to this strip at pOnju forum

Interesting Links
  • ToraDora Dragon Ball - It's a scene from ToraDora with Dragon Ball music and effects. It fits quite well. I enjoy watching ToraDora this season. It translated the novel into anime very well. I can't wait for the final volume to come out (vol. 10).

  • Compact Machine Gun - Nice compact machine gun. That's handy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Interesting Links

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Interesting Links